Monday, December 7, 2009

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

A few days ago, I saw this trailer for Alice in Wonderland (with Tim Burton producing), and grew very excited. I have read both Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass numerous times. Today, most versions of Alice in Wonderland, such as Disney's appeals to children - however, Lewis Carroll wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to appeal to many audiences. I have found Alice's Adventures in Wonderland more enjoyable the older I get because I can pick up on more themes and analogies. To me, it's funny because there are many misconceptions with the book and the Disney movie. For example, Tweedledee and Tweedledumb never appear in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but in the sequel - Through the Looking Glass. Also, Carroll never called the "Queen of Hearts" by that name but, "the Red Queen". What I love most about these books is the theme that life itself is a puzzle. My favorite quote of all time is from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and it goes, "If there's no meaning in it, said the King, that saves a world of trouble, you know as we needn't try to find any." –Lewis Carroll. I love this quote because it embodies that some things in life are unsolvable. I am eager and excited to see how Tim Burton's version turns out, plus I loveeee Johnny Depp.

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