Sunday, December 6, 2009

Land Rover S1 Phone

"Land Rover S1 is undoubtedly the world's strongest toughest mobile phone. It can survive the impact of fall from 3 stories building, can withstand 220 C heat,can be buried in 3 tons of mud, can be put in a bottle of Champaigne and can even be bulldozed by four Land Rover vehicles and still it survive". I know this phone is probably really expense to make, but I think camera and mobile phone companies should start leaning in the direction of undestructable electronics. I have an Olympus Stylus camera that is water proof up to 12ft, drop proof up to 6ft, and freeze proof. It has been a great camera because it can go anywhere with me and I don't have to be worried or paranoid about it. I have gone through 2 cameras and 2 phones since college began, and it is a statistic that $700 million is spent in the U.S. on replacing broken phones. Especially when in college, it is hard to make sure something doesn't get dropped or spilled on. I really think this is going to be the next hot trend in portable electronic, and I will be the first in line.

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