I think this ad can be considered art because it is original and unlike anything ever done. I also think it is art because it possesses intertextuality between the new technology that Apple created and the novel 1984 by George Orwell. It is thought provoking because it makes people wonder what they are releasing, and it also provokes people to think if society could ever turn in to this. It was very unique to the time because it came out in 1984.
I love this commercial, along with the entire Sony Bravia campaign done by Fallon. It is so creative and captures the essence of color. The music captures the movement of the balls and gives up a sense of calmness while these balls are falling all over the city.
I wanted to show an outdoor ad that can be artful and I chose this Nike soccer ad done by Wieden + Kennedy. It is amazing how much it appears like the soccer ball is crashing in to the building. This is art because it is unique and although it may not demonstrate beauty, it captures force and motion.
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