Sunday, May 2, 2010

AMV/BBDO: "Footprints- Act on CO2" UK Gov Ad

This advertisement was very moving and had a great public message. Everyone knows that we need to lower our carbon footprints, and instead of trying to provoke fear, AMV/BBDO captured this issue in a way that was thought provoking, at least for me. This ad made me think, "oh, do I really do that a lot?" or "yeah, I could probably do that less". The repetition of the little black footprints made me realize that one person really can have a lot of issues they need to fix, and when you multiple that times a couple billion it is scary to think about. Again, it is a scary thought, but I think it was more effective that AMV/BBDO didn't show a clip of the apocalypse or a bunch of natural disasters. Also, the black gooeyness of the footprints reminded me of pollution or uncleanliness, which reiterates the fact that we are polluting and taking advantage of our Earth.

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