Sunday, April 18, 2010

JWT New York: "Bed" print ad for VISINE in USA

When I first saw this ad it reminded me of the visuals I had while reading Gulliver's travels in high school. Hundreds of little tiny citizens of Lilliput were constantly on and around Captain Gulliver, just like this image. I don't know if the creative team of JWT NYC was inspired by this novel from the 1700s or not, but it seems like it. This ad has a lot going on, so it allows the audience to look closer and see something new. I like the tag line - "Natural Tears Formula. Don't Ask How". If you look closely, the woman is crying and the little people are taking her tears with feathers. The tears stream down her face, on to the feathers, in to buckets, over the bed to the desk, and into the bottle. Visually, the way the tears travel across the ad creates a nice sense of movement. Also, the movement leads to the Visine bottle, which gives it emphasis. The Visine bottle is very small, but JWT was apply to make it really stand up for its size. The blue from the sheets and the blue on the Visine bottle are the most bright colors which help to move the viewer's eye from the tear scene to the bottle as well. Also, the green chalkboard in the background help to balance the color ratio in the scene, I thought. All in all, I really liked this ad and how it created movement and had a storyline. I thought it was also nice how the Visine bottle wasn't the biggest or main focal point of the ad, but you still understood what was going on.

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