Monday, April 19, 2010

Lowe Bull Johannesburg: Axe "Get A Girlfriend - Legos" Print Ad

I found this advertising campaign hilarious. I think this strikes out to the target audience of AXE as well because most boys starting to wear axe are still in that awkward late middle school to early high school years. There were multiple ads in this campaign, such as the Boy Scout holding his diploma, and many others that were also very funny but this one stuck out to me. I thought it was so funny to say "Get a Girlfriend" because this teen really has A LOT of time on his hands if he could build a life-size pharoah out of legos. I also liked how the lego structure, boxes with legos, and the boy all consisted of bright colors. This made them stick out, as they were the main elements to the story line. The legos used, minus the blacks and whites, were the 3 primary colors - which helped to keep the legos solid and not too distracting from the boy. All of the walls and background scenery is khaki or beige, which also keeps the viewers focus between the boy and the legos. I also liked that it looks like someone took the picture, because it makes it seem that more real, adding to the comedy of the scene. I think this was a great campaign, and one of the more tasteful ones done by AXE, because some of their ads tend to be way too racy for my liking.

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